How to run multiple minikubes on a single machine?

By Vikrant
August 4, 2018

For a long time I was looking for a way to run the multiple minikube VMs on a single machine for testing out federation working. I came to know about the profile feature of minikube and eagerly tried but it was failing for me. I filed a bug for this issue.

I noticed new version of minikube rolledout hence I thought of testing that feature again with that version and luckily it worked this timeā€¦

Note : At the time of writing, following was the latest version of minikube.

$ minikube version
minikube version: v0.28.2

One minikube with default profile was already running on my machine.

$ minikube profile default
minikube profile was successfully set to minikube

$ minikube status
minikube: Running
cluster: Running
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at

Started another minikube instance using

$ minikube start -p minikubea

If you want to issue any command into this minikube change your current context.

$ kubectl config current-context
$ kubectl config get-contexts
$ kubectl config set-context minikubea
$ kubectl config current-context
