Istio telemetry

istio   kubernetes
By Vikrant
December 27, 2018

Istio Mixer component is responsible for telemetry. While generating the HTTP GET request for helloworld service from curl POD I kept an eye on mixer logs, I found number of logs reported.

$ kubectl logs -f istio-telemetry-664d896cf5-tht8f -n istio-system -c mixer

I studied about the architecture of mixer from official documentation so the sidecar running along with your POD is reponsible for sending this information to mixer. Sidecare is adding metadata information like clientTraceId, xForwardedFor, etc. before passing the information to mixer.

Istio mixer is mainly using following three CRDs for complete pipeline:

  • Templates define the schema for specifying request mapping from attributes to adapter inputs. A given adapter may support any number of templates. Metric is a type of template, all the resources of type of metric are instances.
    $ kubectl get metric -n istio-system
    NAME              AGE
    requestcount      3h
    requestduration   3h
    requestsize       3h
    responsesize      3h
    tcpbytereceived   3h
    tcpbytesent       3h

Dimensions are the attributes and same attributes are define as adapter inputts.

kubectl describe metric requestcount -n istio-system
Name:         requestcount
Namespace:    istio-system
Labels:       <none>
API Version:
Kind:         metric
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-12-27T10:00:57Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    199841
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 4e976e84-09be-11e9-9f03-0800274a2878
    Connection _ Security _ Policy:      conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
    Destination _ App:                   destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
    Destination _ Principal:             destination.principal | "unknown"
    Destination _ Service:      | "unknown"
    Destination _ Service _ Name: | "unknown"
    Destination _ Service _ Namespace:   destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
    Destination _ Version:               destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
    Destination _ Workload:     | "unknown"
    Destination _ Workload _ Namespace:  destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
    Reporter:                            conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
    Request _ Protocol:                  api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown"
    Response _ Code:                     response.code | 200
    Source _ App:                        source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
    Source _ Principal:                  source.principal | "unknown"
    Source _ Version:                    source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
    Source _ Workload:          | "unknown"
    Source _ Workload _ Namespace:       source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
  Monitored _ Resource _ Type:           "UNSPECIFIED"
  Value:                                 1
Events:                                  <none>
  • Rule is to do the mapping between template and adapter.
    $ kubectl get rule -n istio-system
    NAME                     AGE
    kubeattrgenrulerule      3h
    promhttp                 3h
    promtcp                  3h
    stdio                    3h
    stdiotcp                 3h
    tcpkubeattrgenrulerule   3h

Digging up more on the rule part. From naming convention two rules seems to be related with prometheus. We can see the Condition define as Match and if the condition matches then the instances which are sent to the handler.

$ kubectl describe rule promhttp -n istio-system
Name:         promhttp
Namespace:    istio-system
Labels:       <none>
API Version:
Kind:         rule
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-12-27T10:00:58Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    199851
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 4eb68757-09be-11e9-9f03-0800274a2878
    Handler:  handler.prometheus
  Match:  context.protocol == "http" || context.protocol == "grpc"
Events:   <none>

$ kubectl describe rule promtcp -n istio-system
Name:         promtcp
Namespace:    istio-system
Labels:       <none>
API Version:
Kind:         rule
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-12-27T10:00:58Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    199852
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 4ebad639-09be-11e9-9f03-0800274a2878
    Handler:  handler.prometheus
  Match:  context.protocol == "tcp"
Events:   <none>
  • Adapters encapsulate the logic necessary to interface Mixer with a specific infrastructure backend. ~~~ $ kubectl get prometheus -n istio-system NAME AGE handler 3h

$ kubectl describe prometheus handler -n istio-system Name: handler Namespace: istio-system Labels: Annotations:{"apiVersion":"","kind":"prometheus","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"handler","namespace":"istio-system"},"spec":{"metrics... API Version: Kind: prometheus Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2018-12-27T10:00:58Z Generation: 1 Resource Version: 199850 Self Link: /apis/ UID: 4eb2e089-09be-11e9-9f03-0800274a2878 Spec: Metrics: Instance _ Name: requestcount.metric.istio-system Kind: COUNTER Label _ Names: reporter source_app source_principal source_workload source_workload_namespace source_version destination_app destination_principal destination_workload destination_workload_namespace destination_version destination_service destination_service_name destination_service_namespace request_protocol response_code connection_security_policy Name: requests_total Buckets: Explicit _ Buckets: Bounds: 0.005 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1 2.5 5 10 Instance _ Name: requestduration.metric.istio-system Kind: DISTRIBUTION Label _ Names: reporter source_app source_principal source_workload source_workload_namespace source_version destination_app destination_principal destination_workload destination_workload_namespace destination_version destination_service destination_service_name destination_service_namespace request_protocol response_code connection_security_policy Name: request_duration_seconds Buckets: Exponential Buckets: Growth Factor: 10 Num Finite Buckets: 8 Scale: 1 Instance _ Name: requestsize.metric.istio-system Kind: DISTRIBUTION Label _ Names: reporter source_app source_principal source_workload source_workload_namespace source_version destination_app destination_principal destination_workload destination_workload_namespace destination_version destination_service destination_service_name destination_service_namespace request_protocol response_code connection_security_policy Name: request_bytes Buckets: Exponential Buckets: Growth Factor: 10 Num Finite Buckets: 8 Scale: 1 Instance _ Name: responsesize.metric.istio-system Kind: DISTRIBUTION Label _ Names: reporter source_app source_principal source_workload source_workload_namespace source_version destination_app destination_principal destination_workload destination_workload_namespace destination_version destination_service destination_service_name destination_service_namespace request_protocol response_code connection_security_policy Name: response_bytes Instance _ Name: tcpbytesent.metric.istio-system Kind: COUNTER Label _ Names: reporter source_app source_principal source_workload source_workload_namespace source_version destination_app destination_principal destination_workload destination_workload_namespace destination_version destination_service destination_service_name destination_service_namespace connection_security_policy Name: tcp_sent_bytes_total Instance _ Name: tcpbytereceived.metric.istio-system Kind: COUNTER Label _ Names: reporter source_app source_principal source_workload source_workload_namespace source_version destination_app destination_principal destination_workload destination_workload_namespace destination_version destination_service destination_service_name destination_service_namespace connection_security_policy Name: tcp_received_bytes_total Events: ~~~